Koincart OTO links + Bundle links and Koincart review

Koincart OTO links and full sales funnel review, including bundle and downsell price points

Ben Murray and Abhi Dwivedi released Koincart on 2022-Aug-10. It has 1 frond end offers, 2 bundle, 7 OTOs and 2 downsells

Koincart general overview
  • Product title
  • Vendor
    Ben Murray and Abhi Dwivedi
  • Website
  • Release date
  • Bundle purchase
  • Payment processor

Koincart has one front end option called Koincart Advanced. This product also has a total of seven OTOs: Koincart Gold, Koincart DFY, Koincart Platinum, Koincart – ClickAgency Special, Koincart – AgencyReel2 Special, Koincart – RankReel Special and Koincart – Reputor Special. Koincart also has two downsells called Koincart Gold-Lite and Koincart DFY-Lite. Please find the front end 1, all OTOs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 and all 1 and 2 downsells links below.

Writing Straight 100% satisfaction guarantee
When buying through my link, you get 100% satisfaction guarantee for any purchase

I will go above and beyond to assist you with any issues you might have with your purchase or the seller. Any unresolved support issues, installations, refunds, software bugs, I will contact and resolve personally with the seller. No questions asked, just contact me 24/7!

Writing Straight 100% satisfaction guarantee arrows

Koincart oto

All 7 OTOs, 2 bundle links below

Bundle 1 link (Koincart Bundle One-Time Pay)
– > Koincart Bundle 1

Bundle 2 link (Koincart Fastpass Bundle)
– > Koincart Bundle 2

Front End 1 link (Koincart Advanced)
– >
Koincart Front End 1

OTO 1 link (Koincart Gold)
– >
Koincart OTO 1

Downsell 1 link (Koincart Gold-Lite)
– > Koincart Downsell 1

OTO 2 link (Koincart DFY)
– >
Koincart OTO 2

Downsell 2 link (Koincart DFY-Lite)
– > Koincart Downsell 2

OTO 3 link (Koincart Platinum)
– >
Koincart OTO 3

OTO 4 link (Koincart – ClickAgency Special)
– >
Koincart OTO 4

OTO 5 link (Koincart – AgencyReel2 Special)
– >
Koincart OTO 5

OTO 6 link (Koincart – RankReel Special)
– >
Koincart OTO 6

OTO 7 link (Koincart – Reputor Special)
– >
Koincart OTO 7

Koincart overview video

Koincart OTO and sales funnel details

Local businesses are dying to accept cryptocurrency as payment for their services. After all…

But, there’s no easy way to accept cryptocurrency for 99% of little businesses still.

Koincart will Revolutionize Your Agency

You can sell crypto payment integration services with Koincart…

a new app that makes accepting crypto fast & easy (without even knowing anything about it!)

It’s Loading with Groundbreaking Features Like:

Revolutionary CryptoCurrency Payments Tech – allow businesses anywhere to start accepting cryptocurrency as payment in just a click.

AutoDelivery & Membership Set-up – auto-deliver products & set up memberships automatically after crypto payment.

DFY Web3-Site Templates – create site & product order pages for small businesses in popular niches that want crypto payments

Accept Crypto Many Different Ways – let businesses accept cryptocurrency or fiat in the most possible w/ many integrations

Drag/Drop Technology – customize checkout widget & clients sales sites w/ drag/drop page tech.

Sell Digital or Physical Products – Koincart is the 1st to let anyone sell digital or physical products via crypto payments handsfree

Agency & Commercial Rights – sell access for a monthly fee, charge for setup, (a service businesses will HAVE to have

& many more features including…
+ DFY client-getting
+ cloud hosting & custom domains
+ fully cloud-based
+ no crypto knowledge needed to profit
+ works on any device, including mobile

Plus, You’re Getting My Best Bonus of the Year…

Because I feel this software is so important, not just to local agencies, but to everyone I’ve put together by BEST bonus of the year, you can see on my bonus page.
koincart bundle

Bonuses included when buying Koincart

Agency Client Booking System
Add appointment booking capabilities to you or your client’s website. It’s easy to set up and—more importantly—easy for your agency customers or their customers to book appointments.

CryptoAgency VIP Webinar Ticket
Reserve your spot in a VIP webinar that will explain what crypto is and how to easily sell crypto payment solutions to desperate businesses big & small.

Reseller Rights to VidRankNeos
With its Rank Tracker and Spy feature, you can track your video’s ranking and current positions and spy on your competitors and see where they are ranking.

Reseller Rights to SocialNeos Pro
SocialNeos rewards customers for sharing content, builds your list and creates a powerful Social Notification system just like Mobile Push Notifications

Whitelabel License to CurationNeos
CurationNeos allows you to turn other people’s red hot content into your own unique, traffic-getting content in seconds! In just seconds. The best curation tool.

Reseller Rights to Amazing Agency Flyers
Take your agency to the next level with these editable, professionally designed marketing flyers.

Resell Rights to Local eCom Site Maker
Get a premium theme that allows small businesses to sell their inventory online. This theme is fully customizable with drag/drop editing and comes in many different niches & styles.

Whitelabel Rights to DFY Local Video SpokesPeople
Get talking spokespeople to help sell the services local businesses provide. Comes in many different nches and industries with many different types of professional spokespeople.

Agency Rights to 800k DFY Content Articles
Get 800k premium articles & content to sell, integrate into client’s sites, or use for SEO & articles.

Main Features of Koincart

Revolutionary CryptoCurrency Payments Tech – allow businesses anywhere to start accepting cryptocurrency as payment in just a click.

AutoDelivery & Membership Set-up – auto-deliver products & set up memberships automatically after crypto payment.

DFY Web3-Site Templates – create site & product order pages for small businesses in popular niches that want crypto payments

Accept Crypto Many Different Ways – let businesses accept cryptocurrency or fiat in the most possible w/ many integrations

Drag/Drop Technology – customize checkout widget & clients sales sites w/ drag/drop page tech.

Sell Digital or Physical Products – Koincart is the 1st to let anyone sell digital or physica products via crypto payments handsfree

Agency & Commercial Rights – sell access for a monthly fee, charge for setup, (a service businesses will HAVE to have and many more features including…
+ DFY client-getting
+ cloud hosting & custom domains
+ fully cloud-based
+ no crypto knowledge needed to profit
+ works on any device, including mobile

koincart is good for

Koincart Works in 4 Easy Steps

#1 – Create a Product
Create a product you want to sell with cryptocurrency in a few easy clicks. Koincart is the only software to date that allows you to sell and auto-deliver any type of product you want.
Enter key information like if the product is digital or physical, membership creation information, thank you page URLs, and more.

#2 – Choose Your Crypto Payment Methods
Then, choose what cryptos and type of crypto processing method you want to accept for your product. Koincart allows you to integrate the most amount of crypto payment methods for checkout in many different ways.
Allow customers to pay via just a wallet address or a 3rd party system that holds their crypto or fiat like PayPal, for example.

#3 – Create a ‘Web3-Style’ Sales Site or Embed Their Payments Widget
If the business you are working with doesn’t have a high-converting product sales page, create one for them in a click. Create modern web3-style product order pages for small businesses from our huge selection of DFY templates in all the most popular niches most likely to accept cryptocurrency.
Customize each page with drag/drop technology and host it on Koincart cloud servers.
If the business already has a sales page, simply embed a checkout widget on their page so they can accept cryptocurrency and keep their pages hosted.

#4 – Export Reports & Get Paid
See detailed product and sales reports for everything you sell via your Koincart account. Filter these by the client and export them.
Then, charge a monthly or yearly fee to continue to allow the business you’re working with to accept cryptocurrency.

What are the upsells for Koincart?

Front End:
Koincart Advanced – $37.00
The groundbreaking software that allows businesses anywhere to accept multiple cryptocurrencies as payment easily and creates gorgeous sales sites & memberships that auto-deliver products after purchase.
This transformational tool comes with agency rights allowing marketing companies to set up crypto payments & memberships for fees

OTO1 ‘Fast Pass’ OTO Bundle Deal:- $237.00
The ‘Fast Pass’ bundle deal will appear in the funnel after the front-end offer. Once customers purchase the FE, they will get a chance to purchase the bundle for a one-time price.

OTO 2: Koincart Gold – $97.00
This upgraded, more advanced edition of Koincart includes…
Create unlimited sites & memberships
Accept more cryptocurrencies
Sell unlimited products with unlimited transactions
More DFY templates in most profitable niches
Gold VIP Bonuses
Remove Koincart branding

DS 1: Koincart Gold-Lite – $57.00
A lighter version of Koincart Gold for a lower cost, but with fewer features.

OTO 2: Koincart DFY – $197.00
Our team will help guarantee you have success with and land your first client. You’ll get…
DFY Crypto Agency website with ecommerce checkout ability, ability to showcase features, ability to show testimonials, and customization help.
DFY NFT showcase website to sell to businesses that want to create & sell NFTs to customers.
DFY Hosting Plan – we’ll customize and host your crypto agency website for you
Outsourcer’s License + Team member integration
DFY video Facebook ads to target local businesses likely to accept crypto
Ads Manager setup help – we’ll help get your ads and website up to start getting clients
50 DFY crypto stores with payment integration ready to sell & showcase to clients
One-on-One “hand-holding” help – we’ll explain how to get the clients, setup and ads, or whatever else you need help understanding or setting up
DFY Level Bonuses

DS 2: Koincart DFY-Lite
A lighter version of Koincart DFY for a lower cost, but with fewer features.

OTO 3: Koincart Platinum
This most advanced edition of Koincart includes…
Integrate unlimited agency clients
Unlimited team member access
The ability to whitelabel the app with custom logo, and colors
DFY resellers rights – resell Koincart with our DFY funnel
Crypto Agency Suite – get DFY crypto proposal template, print-on-demand materials, swipes, contract, legal agreement, and more to start getting agency clients.
Agency VIP bonuses

OTO4: Koincart – ClickAgency Special
ClickAgency is our one-click solution to creating local landing pages complete with matching, congruent Facebook and Google PPC ads to drive targeted leads. Create these campaigns with our A.I. bot for clients fast and easy.

OTO 5: Koincart – AgencyReel2 Special
AgencyReel 2.0 Professional edition will allow you to position yourself, do the work, and bill customers as a full-fledged agency with a team while really working a few minutes each day since the software will do the client-finding, video content making, and re-scheduling you. This is the upgraded license with DFY content and unlimited features unlocked.

OTO 6: Koincart – RankReel Special
Our ‘behind-the-scenes’ 5-in-1 comprehensive LOCAL video ranking solution gets you or your client’s videos to page one of Google and YouTube in 2022 and beyond.

OTO 6: Koincart – Reputor Special
The first cloud-based app that manages and enhances local businesses’ reputation online with advanced, proprietary technology. Reputor grows your clients’ local profile listings ratings and rank on autopilot i.e.: GoogleMyBusiness, Yelp, Facebook, lands clients that need reputation management services, and generates far more warmed-up leads in breakthrough ways no other app can do.

Koincart overview

Consumers everywhere are becoming more aware of the need to support businesses that support them. In doing so, consumers are shifting their spending habits, and businesses must adapt or face declining revenues. The trend towards cryptocurrencies is accelerating faster than anyone had predicted. According to a recent report by Co

koincart mockup

What is Koincart?

Koincart is a software-as-a-service (SaaS) provider of checkout solutions for e-commerce sites that accept cryptocurrency payments. Their platform enables businesses to seamlessly integrate cryptocurrency payments into their existing e-commerce infrastructure. Customers can use their preferred virtual currencies to purchase goods and services from your store via their computer or mobile device. Businesses using Koincart can enable cryptocurrency payments on their e-commerce store in just a few minutes and can also track sales and customer data in real time. Koincart supports more than 50 cryptocurrencies.

Why use Koincart?

There are many reasons to use Koincart. Chief among them is the growing need for businesses to support their customers who prefer to use cryptocurrency as a payment method. Consumer awareness of the benefits of cryptocurrency is growing. The number of people who know what blockchain is is growing. More and more people are becoming aware that blockchain is the technology behind crypto. And more people are beginning to understand that it will play a major role in the way we do things. Supporting cryptocurrency as a payment method is a no-brainer for many businesses. Here’s why: – Increased footfall – Crypto enthusiasts are everywhere. This is a worldwide phenomenon that is growing at an unprecedented rate. More and more people are coming online to find places to spend their digital coins. If your business doesn’t accept crypto, these people aren’t going to stop and try to find another place that does. They’ll simply take their business elsewhere. – New demographics – Crypto users are a new demographic that is culturally very different from the norm. They are tech-savvy, open-minded, and accustomed to choice. For example, when it comes to payment, they have a range of options available to them from cash to credit cards to gift cards that can be used at most places. By accepting cryptocurrencies, businesses will be able to attract this new demographic. – New revenue opportunities – Crypto users are very tech savvy. They are likely to be early adopters of new technologies and services. Accepting crypto will give you access to a new customer base that is likely to buy more from you as they discover features like easy payment tracking and rewards.

How does Koincart work?

Koincart makes it fast and easy for you to support cryptocurrency as a payment method on your online store. First, you will build a sales site with their easy-to-use drag-and-drop site builder. Next, you will install their crypto payment software. Lastly, you will integrate your e-commerce store and payment processor with their software. This will allow you to accept virtual currencies seamlessly. Once complete, your website will not only look beautiful but will also be easy to use. When a customer wants to pay with crypto, they simply select their preferred coin from a drop-down menu. They then enter their shipping details and hit “pay” to complete their order.

Koincart pricing and enterprise-level features

Koincart is free for basic use. This includes one sales site, one payment processing integration, 20 product templates, 1GB of hosting, and support. Premium pricing starts with a $49/mo subscription, which includes unlimited sales sites, unlimited payment integrations, unlimited product templates, unlimited hosting, and support. Their enterprise plans are flexible and can be customized based on your business needs. They include support, unlimited sales sites, unlimited payment integrations, unlimited product templates, unlimited hosting, and priority support. – Advanced CRM: Manage your customers’ preferences and behaviour with a CRM system designed specifically for businesses who accept cryptocurrency. – Advanced analytics: Track customer data such as sales and conversion rates with a robust and easy-to-use analytics software. – Advanced marketing tools: Create and manage marketing campaigns, target specific audiences, and track everything from start to finish with marketing software. – Advanced inventory management: Track your inventory at every stage with an easy-to-use inventory management system. – Advanced shipping management: Track your shipments from pick-up to arrival with a robust shipping management system.

Is using cryptocurrency as payment a fad or the new normal?

This is a question we’ve been asked a lot. And the answer is that we don’t know. There are certainly a lot of people who are very passionate about cryptocurrency, and many of them see it as a long-term investment. There are others who believe that crypto will be the main method of payment within a few years. We can only say that the trend toward cryptocurrency is accelerating faster than anyone had predicted. According to a recent report by Co

Final words

The future of online payments is the future of the internet itself – decentralized, secure and private. Crypto payments are not only the future of e-commerce, but also the future of the internet. There are many reasons why businesses should accept cryptocurrency payments. The number of people who know what blockchain is is growing. More and more people are becoming aware that blockchain is the technology behind crypto. And more people are beginning to understand that it will play a major role in the way we do things.

All links in the sales funnel

Bundle 1 link (Koincart Bundle One-Time Pay)
Koincart Bundle One-Time Pay link

Bundle 2 link (Koincart Fastpass Bundle)
Koincart Fastpass Bundle link

Front End 1 link (Koincart Advanced)
Koincart Advanced link

OTO 1 link (Koincart Gold)
Koincart Gold link

Downsell 1 link (Koincart Gold-Lite)
Koincart Gold-Lite link

OTO 2 link (Koincart DFY)
Koincart DFY link

Downsell 2 link (Koincart DFY-Lite)
Koincart DFY-Lite link

OTO 3 link (Koincart Platinum)
Koincart Platinum link

OTO 4 link (Koincart – ClickAgency Special)
Koincart – ClickAgency Special link

OTO 5 link (Koincart – AgencyReel2 Special)
Koincart – AgencyReel2 Special link

OTO 6 link (Koincart – RankReel Special)
Koincart – RankReel Special link

OTO 7 link (Koincart – Reputor Special)
Koincart – Reputor Special link